At least, that's how things have felt. But only two months into this year, I looked at my Project 52 list, and have to feel pretty good about how things are going.

4. Visit Chicago again. We've got a trip planned, as in hotel booked and everything. It's going to be a lot of fun.
5. Plan a great spring break vacation. This is also planned, with hotels and tickets and everything. I wish that it was a tropical location. Because nothing says exotic like Wisconsin in March, right? But it's going to be a lot of fun.
7. Start posting my menus on my blog. You may not have noticed, but there is a new item on my side bar that shares my weekly menus. At least what I have planned (not always what gets cooked.) Some day, I may even add links to the recipes.
9. Get a plant for inside my house. I bought a baby orchid and some tulips. They are both looking rather say. I'm glad this goal was to get a plant, not keep it alive.
13. Cook with an ingredient I have never used before. Do this three times. I've cooked with pork tenderloin, celery root, and quinoa. All three things I've never used before. But I've got a lot more planned!
16. Make new chore charts for the boys. Done! There are so much nicer than the old ones.
20. Get through my anesthesia question book twice. I made it through once, so I'm half way done with this. This would have never happened if one of my fellow residents hadn't shown me that the book was also an iPhone App and I can do questions on my phone. Thank goodness for technology!
32. Make maple syrup. Yes! I love doing this.

33. Visit two museums. We are headed to a museum this afternoon. This is halfway done!
39. Make a baking soda-vinegar volcano. We are in the process of doing this. Pictures to come!
Despite my barely-drag-myself-out-of-bed attitude, I think that crossing off or getting started on 10 goals is a pretty good start to the year. It makes me feel that everything on that list is doable.
Now, excuse me. All this accomplishment completely wore me out. I think I'll go back to bed.