
Friday, August 22, 2008


Roman and Blaise have started at a new daycare. It was a difficult transition, since they were at their original daycare for over 18 months. That was the only place that Blaise had been left at while I went to school. But since Roman is starting first grade soon, we needed to find a place that would bus him to his new elementary school.
The new place is pretty good so far. Of course, there the difficult parts. Like Blaise crying because he doesn't know his teacher, and Roman not having any friends yet. But everyone is very friendly. Roman has been able to do a lot of field trips: gymnastics, swimming, and a movie at the planetarium. We will all have made the transition before we know it.
Like Roman said after the first day, "I almost got used to it today."

School is right around the corner. We met with Roman's first grade teacher earlier this week. She had Roman say the names of letters and numbers. I don't think I've ever seen him be so shy. He could barely look at her.

It's going to be a big change, but I think the boys will get through just fine. They are so much more resilient than I give them credit for.

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