
Saturday, April 11, 2009

Feeling Crafty

Another holiday means more crafts.

Easter involves very messy crafts! (Somewhat nerve-wracking crafts.) Including egg emptying, sugary treats, and containers full of dye (which are potential disasters. None of which occurred this year.)

Egg decorating central

After a run to two (!) stores for vinegar( apparently vinegar is in high demand this time of year), we were able to dye eggs.

Roman doing a fantastic job decorating eggs

Our beautiful empty eggs changed from white to brilliant yellow, orange, pink, green, and blue.

The finished product

After decorating the eggs, they then turn into the most magical of all centerpieces.

The ingredients from something magical:
Eggs, ribbon, hot glue gun, twigs, and a vase

The Easter Tree!!

Over the next couple days the leaves with come out,
and we will have a beautiful Easter Tree.

I also wanted to share some of Roman's artwork. (Roman is a very prolific artist, and I need to do a better job of sharing some of his masterpieces.)

Dragon in a Castle
By Roman

1 comment:

  1. Your Easter tree is such a cute idea! I hope you will post pictures of it when the leaves are out.
