
Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Eight Reasons

Today is Keith's and my eight year anniversary.

The feeling that those eight years have gone by remarkably fast is an indicator of how great the last eight years have been.

The fact that we are both deliriously happy in our marriage isn't a secret. Keith is an amazing person. If I had to pick anyone on this entire planet to spend nearly every day of my life with and come home to after the worst call night ever, it would be him.

Here are eight things we have done during our eight years of marriage

1. Had a boy.

2. Been brave enough to have another boy.

3. Complete three bachelors degrees between the two of us.

4. Survived medical school

5. Bought our first house (we close on Monday!)

6. Decided to go back to school to prepare for dental school (Yes, Keith is in the process of applying to dental school!)

7. Have not asked our parents for money

8. Not fight!

And if one list wasn't enough, here are eight reasons (yes, I am going to limit it to eight, even though there are a lot more!)

1. He always knows when to call my bluff. I wanted to drop out of medical school. He casually reminded me of my student loans. I say I want to lose 20 pounds. He passes me a bowl of ice cream. He's supportive of my ambitions and ideas, but he knows when I'm serious and when I'm not (even when I'm a little confused.)

2. He is incredibly laid back. I used to be an extremely uptight, stressed-out individual (most people who just meet me think I still am, but I promise, it is nothing like I used to be!) Keith has helped mellow me out.

3. He loves being a dad. We have never divided parenting tasks. If the boys need a bath, who ever is available does it. Blaise needs a trip to the potty? Keith does it just as often as I do. He does horsey rides and story time and teaches the boys the subtleties of golf and football.

4. He never quits. It took him 8 years to get both his bachelors degrees. (He was going part time while working full time and helping with the boys while I was in medical school.) And if that wasn't enough, he decided to go back. That takes more guts that someone who is already in school to just keep going.

5. He never says no to friends and family. While this can be slightly annoying (really, you gave him money again) I really admire that he never fumbles around for a reason to get out of helping tow a car or frame a basement. If you really need help, Keith will always be there.

6. Despite how laid back he is in nearly every aspect of his life, he gets very psyched up by sports. I love watching him during a football game or NBA playoffs. I used to think it was strange (why should anyone care so much?), but now I just love it!

7. He's very protective of me. He gets mad when people hurt my feelings. He despised people who have used me. He is always in my corner.

8. He has always supported me in everything I've wanted to do. To have a spouse (especially a wife) decide to go to medical school (especially after children) is very difficult. He has never once complained about the all the times he has had to pick up the slack because I've just been too tired. He has not once complained about all my complaining and break-downs. I once apologized for how difficult things were. About how things would have been easier if he had married someone who was just a normal, stay-at-home-type-of-girl. He hugged me and said,

"I wasn't going for easy. I was going for you."


  1. Happy Anniversary! Sounds like you snagged a keeper. fighting?

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  3. Yes, that's right, uh-huh, yep, sure; I know, wonderful! yes, all of it; yes, just like she said...(responses to each of your 8))

    What a sweet reply Keth made when you apologized! Congratulations!!!!!you're smart enough to know perfect when you see it.
