
Sunday, March 21, 2010


It's amazing what a year can bring.

Apparently, even when you're not paying that close of attention, a year can bring another birthday.

Today, I'm 28.

Somehow, 28 feels exactly the same as 27. Younger in someways. I've done so much the last 12 months, but only added one year to my age.

I guess the fact that I feel tired most of the time, have found four gray hairs, and can see the start of wrinkles around the corners of my eyes and mouth doesn't exactly make me feel like I'm a twenty something. I don't even want to think about how I'll feel in two years when I'm turning 30. Or maybe 29 again. I still haven't decided.

One year ago, I was celebrating with dozens of friends and family.

Today, I was woken up by three smiling boys, two of which bounced on the bed.

One year ago, we were sharing the news that we had matched into my number one choice anesthesiology residency.

Today, I have completed 9 months of my anesthesiology residency, and am still alive.

One year ago, we broke the news to our family that we were moving to Iowa.

Today, I woke up to a sunny Midwestern morning in our very own home.

One year ago, I thought I had my future all laid out in front of me, like so many dominoes. Iowa, house, residency. Perfectly clear.

Today, the first few dominoes have been pushed, but the path isn't quite as clear. There are so many options and side paths. Third baby? Fellowship? Back to Utah? Hubster in dental school?

One year ago, I was 27.

Today, I'm 28.


  1. Sounds like it has been a year full of change and growth. The best thing about the future is that it only comes one day at a time...but it sure does sneak up on us fast!

  2. Happy Birthday! Celebrating you today!

  3. I am so with you on feeling younger. My body doesn't feel younger or look younger but I do feel younger the older I get. I think it is just the realization that no matter how much you know there is always so much more to learn. I also think I was way more grown up as a child than I am now. Maybe that comes from being a mom or a preschool teacher but come this August when I hit the big 28 I think I will feel even younger just like you said.

  4. Happy Birthday! You are a youngun...I had no idea!

  5. So beautifully put! Happy birthday. My 30s have been the best years of my life, so it only gets better!

  6. Aw! Happy birthday! For the longest time, 28 was my best year—I was at my peak in so many ways (energy, creativity, career, looks, etc.) and my life was really exciting that year. I had my children after that point, so I've lost my youthfulness and energy of 28, but gained so much more in terms of wisdom and life experience and joy. I guess what I'm trying to say is "It just keeps getting better!"

  7. Sounds like it's been a pretty good year. Happy birthday and wishes for lots more.

  8. Happy Birthday yesterday!

    I've been so out of the blogosphere, you went and turned a year older and I nearly missed it!

    BTW, this is one of the best birthday posts I've read. Love it.

  9. I know I am really late on this, but HAPPY BIRTHDAY! Can't wait to see what the coming years holds for you.

  10. It never ceases to amaze me how many lifetimes can fit into a year! The options are as plentiful as wildflowers and the sum of each choice as diverse as the continents. I hope as you grow your choices will fit you as comfortably as your skin, (even if wrinkles develop in the process!) Hugs!!
