
Monday, May 10, 2010

Tulip Time

I've been busy this last weekend, learning words like "bergemeester," "kaas," "klokkenspel," and "klompen."

I've also been enjoying sites like these...

And, yes, I'm still here in Iowa.

We were at the 75th Annual Tulip Time in Pella, Iowa.

It was cold, breezy, and drizzling the morning we were supposed to go. But I was stubborn, and Hubster was obliging, so we made the nearly 2 hour drive, despite the weather.

I'm glad we did.

It turns out Tulip Time is a really, really big deal. And for good reason.

Pella, settled by Dutch immigrants and steeped in Dutch culture, is one of the most gorgeous towns I've ever been to. I want to live there now.

The streets are clean, the shops charming, the whole setting picturesque.

In fact, almost too much so. It feels a little surreal, almost theme-park in character. That may have been due to the hundreds of people dressed in Dutch garb.

Street sweepers, a Tulip Time tradition

And not just the people in the parades, but people in the shops, people in the crowds, people everywhere.

We enjoyed the tulips (even though the early warm weather meant that the tulips were just past prime, there were still enough to oh-and-awe over).

Yes, there is dirt on Monkey's face. I don't have time to Photoshop it off, so you get the real deal.

We enjoyed the windmills.

We enjoyed the parades. We enjoyed the wooden shoes.

So much that I had to get a pair to bring home. C'mon. They're wooden shoes. I had to get some!

It didn't rain on us. In fact, the sun broke through as we shared a funnel cake and watched Dutch dancers.

Even Monkey got in to the Dutch spirit.

Not sure what this dance is call, though...Don't think it's traditional.

It was a long drive. It was a cold, breezy day. It was absolutely worth it.

Especially because I have my own wooden shoes.


  1. Tulips are my favorite flower!! If someone wants me to be happy, bring me some yellow tulips and I will never, ever forget! I would completely adore the festival and town you went to visit and enjoy!! What a FUN day!

    And I'm totally jealous of your wooden shoes.

  2. I have a pair of wooden shoes that my grandparents brought form Europe when i was a little kid. Every girl should have a pair of wooden shoes! Looks like a lot of fun!

  3. We've been there a couple times, it's so much fun!

  4. This looks like such a fun day. I love the picture of the boys in the wooden shoes. Everyone at the hospital will be so jealous of your new wooden kicks.

    Tulips are my favorite flowers and your photographs are just beautiful. So glad you insisted you all go and had a wonderful day together!

  5. I sooo want to see this! It is beautiful, and picturesque two things I love. And I'm double glad you have wooden shoes! Glad you all went!!!

  6. I was raised in Iowa and lived a short 40 minute drive from Pella and I have never made it to the festival. Something I would love to do with my baby girl someday. I truly miss Iowa and I am living through your stories! Thank you for sharing the "good news" from Iowa!

  7. Tulips are my very favorite flower. Great pics!

  8. Oh, so pretty! Pella isn't *too* far away from where I live, but I don't know much about it. I think you might have convinced me from these pics to take a little weekend trip out there this spring!

  9. I LOVE IT!
    Although I admit, I got really excited thinking this was another Dutch blog...but I still love the pictures!
    And you have "real" wooden shoes...the painted ones are just for tourists :-D

  10. Tulips are my favorite flower, in fact they were my flower of choice for my wedding bouquet. I have been to Holland and have a wooden shoe from there (I know, only 1 but that's how it was sold) I brought it back and painted it red and filled it with flowers. BTW-Thanks for stopping by my blog!

