
Sunday, August 22, 2010

Last week, or A collection of unrelated thoughts

-Bug is back in school. It was the first first day of school that I've missed. From our conversation when I got home, that was obviously much harder on me than on him.

-Hubster's dental school interview is coming up in a couple weeks. We spend time in the evening going over questions and preparing him. I like to consider myself a valuable resource, considering the multitude of interviews I have done for both medical school and residency.

-The interview is also a reminder that Hubster has not worn a suit since our wedding. He also has not worn a tie in over 5 years. He was due for some shopping. Hubster is now the proud owner of an amazing tailored charcoal suit, with a blue shirt, new tie, and some very modern Kenneth Cole shoes.

-Hubster is very hot all dressed up.

-It has rained twice since I lost my camera in the woods. It makes me sad to think about it all waterlogged and alone.

-We bought a new camera. The last one I had I had bought 5 years ago, just as Bug was turning three. Turns out technology has changed quite a bit over the last 5 years. My camera cost the same amount that we paid 5 years ago, but does about a billion more things, and does them all much better. I'm sure it might just be a rebound relationship, but it sure feels like love.

-After three summers of swimming lessons, and some frustration on our part, his part, and his instructors' part, Bug finally can finally swim. He took his first independent, non-supported strokes at the pool today! We celebrated with ice cream.

-We spent the morning downtown at the sandcastle festival. It was hot. It was sandy. It was made all better by the street fountains.

-I ran out of contact lenses and have been forced into wearing my glasses. I feel so dowdy, I hate it.

-Hubster joined Facebook yesterday. Only because one of his uncles did and it made him feel old and behind the times. I think he's become obsessed already. Now the housework will never get done.

-Monkey is turning 4 this next weekend. I'm not sure I can allow this. He's still my baby.

-My kids are obsessed with Phineas and Ferb. I haven't seen a single episode, but I know all about it, since this has become the sole topic of conversations at the dinner table, in the car, on walks, at bedtime... I'm sure it's hilarious, but I'm tempted to ban it, just so we can talk about something other than Perry and Doofenshmirtz.

-Hubster is downstairs watching football. As if I needed another reminder that summer is practically over.

-I've realized blogging is a habit. Now that I only blog 2 or so times a week, it is occasionally hard for me to know what to write.

-I'm thankful for all of you that have stuck around during the changes in my life and my blog. Things are getting better, getting easier.


  1. Glad things are looking up!! I laughed when you talked about Phineas and Ferb. Before we dumped the cable it was one of our favorites to watch together. Sometimes I still walk around singing the songs..... Good luck to Hubster in his interviews! With you as is coach how can he do anything but rock them!!

  2. Those sand structures are amazing! What a fun activity.

    Glad to hear that things are getting better. Love to keep up with you!

  3. We love Phineas and Ferb! We go through phases... I find that my daughter really likes to emulate TV characters so if she overdoses, I stt to see more "Candace" in her than I like. So we watch and enjoy but limit (just like most things on TV).

    Take advantage of that suit- plan a hot date night out to some fancy restaurant!!

    I want a sand castle festival! How FUN!

  4. Two things:
    First of all, I want to see a picture of Hubster in his new suit!
    Second, I'm glad it is getting easier for you! You deserve it :)

  5. I love your blog. You are a fantastic writer. Time does fly. I am glad you enjoy all the moments with your kids.


  6. I'm so glad everything is getting easier. Good Luck to your husband on his interview. Funny, my son LOVES Phineas and Ferb...this is all so new...he wants to watch "Summer Belongs to You" over and over again...funny!

  7. Lovely post and great photos. I felt sad for your waterlogged camera but happy to hear that now you've got a "new and improved" version! :)

  8. The colors in those photos are so vivid. What kind of camera did you get?

    Not that he needs it, but I wish your husband the best of luck on his interviews!

  9. I had to laugh about the back to school angst—same here. It's way harder on me than on any of my kids!

  10. Our "least-un" started back to school today! Aarg! Yes to everything you said about school, last blog. Apple still close to the tree, I guess. YES, we want pictures of Mr. Nice guy in the suit. We figures we had summer vacation, so out TV needed one. Its a great way to start the school, year with the black box in storage. FREEDOM! Love the sand sculptures. Remember our dragons? Glad you have a new camera and still hope you get to find the old one. Happy to know things are smoothing out, just like we've all hoped for you!!
