
Tuesday, January 18, 2011

A glimpse of summer

After another snow storm, and the prospect of sub-zero temperatures approaching in a few days, winter is quickly being fatiguing. Knowing that there is at least another two months of cold, gray gloominess wears on me mentally.

So, today, happiness is...

A glimpse of summer.

Corn fields...

Lily Lake in full bloom...

Last winter didn't last forever. I needed a reminder that this one won't either.

Go visit Leigh vs Laundry for The Happiness Project and post a photo of something that makes you very happy.



  1. True! I need to keep reminding myself as well! I am in desperate need of some "summer" sunshine!!

  2. I'm so sorry you're struggling with winter. I forget how dreary January is. I grew up in Idaho, but now we live in sunny AZ, and frankly, we LIVE for January and February. Visiting from the Happiness Project.

  3. I miss summer, thanks for sharing. Hopefully it comes sooner than we think! xx

  4. These are beautiful photos of summer! I'm ready for spring too. I hope the next couple of months are nice and happy for you despite the weather.

  5. Living in California, I can't entirely relate...but I CAN imagine how much I would look forward to spring!


    PS. I messed up my link tbis week. Here's the right one:
    Good Friends Last Forever

  6. I live in Scotland and we have dark dreek days here alot of the time and covered in snow too at times. I keep going back into my garden archive pictures looking at how much colour there was during the Spring and Summer.......... I can't wait for those days to come back again.

  7. Oh I love those photos. Not a whole lot of green anything around here (NV). :) I think I am seeing some spring around here too- it's 80 on my porch today.

  8. Oh, you are making me miss cornfields. We just booked a trip back to Iowa for the summer. :)

  9. Not to make you jealous (oh, what the heck!), it's 80 today, and it was 85 yesterday. I always call my MN cousin to tell her when we're having unusually nice weather.

    That reminds me...

  10. It's been 80 degrees here and you've got ME longing for summer!

  11. That's a lake!? I'm amazed at all the lily pads. Cool.

  12. Nice coping skills. I needed this too. I miss summer and flip flops and ice cream.

  13. There's a smile on my face and I'm feeling warmer already!

  14. Ahhh summer. Thank you for sharing those wonderful pictures.

