
Monday, January 10, 2011

Project 52: The List

Making New Year's resolutions is a tradition that nearly everyone does. Nearly as traditional is not actually doing them. Last year, I participated in Face It Friday, which was a new take on New Year's resolutions. Instead of making resolutions once a year and then subsequently abandoning them, the idea was to make a list of goals and then revisit that list frequently throughout the year. While I only managed to accomplish 50% of my goals last year, those goals were always in my mind.

Now, in 2011, Karen and Jennee have recreated Face It Friday into the brand new Project 52. 52 goals over 52 weeks. I'll be completely honest. I'm not really that ambitious. I'd be proud of myself if I were able to complete a Project 12 (12 goals over 12 months.) I had only planned on doing 12 goals. But over the last week, after reading several people's goals, more and more ideas came to my head. I kept thinking how great different ideas would be. Some of these ideas are from last year. Some are borrowed from other people. Some are things I have to do anyways, but I'm putting on the list so I can have the satisfaction of crossing them off.

So here it is, my list of goals for 2011:

1. Organize my closets.
2. Complete 3 home improvement projects.
3. Get my passport.
4. Plan an awesome 10 year wedding anniversary celebration.
5. Find 3 unfinished projects and finish them.
6. Visit 3 new restaurants.
7. Plan monthly menus.
8. Meet my girlfriends for brunch one a month.
9. Send birthday cards to all my siblings and be on time this year.
10. Paint at least once.
11. Go visit at least one new church.
12. Visit the Herbet Hoover Historic Site.
13. Go camping four times.
14. Find 3 ways to be green.
15. Use my crock pot once a month.
16. Catch up on my book reviews.
17. Set up electronic bill paying.
18. Start saving some money, no matter how little.
19. Register Monkey for kindergarten (sniff!).
20. Grow herbs.
21. Visit Wisconsin.
22. Walk 5 times a week on weeks the temperature is not freezing.
23. Go to the doctor and get my hand looked at.
24. Introduce my children to musicals.
25. Have a Harry Potter marathon.
26. Donate blood.
27. Read 5 non-work related books.
28. Work on my kids' baby books at least once.
29. Figure out this baby planning thing.
30. Start looking at jobs.
31. Try to go visit family in Utah.
32. Visit the farmer's market 5 times during the summer.
33. Inner tube down a river.
34. Go skiing.
35. Take my children to 3 different museums.
36. Host a dinner/barbeque at my house.
37. Go antique shopping.
38. Schedule date night with Hubster at least once a month.
39. Get a better sleep schedule.
40. Scan my wedding pictures into my computer.
41. Take a multivitamin daily.
42. Look into getting a pet with fur.
43. Get a rough draft of my research project.
44. Go ice skating.
45. Make jam.
46. Study 1 hour a day, 5 days a week for at four weeks in a row.
47. Calculate my monthly grocery budget.
48. Start my blogging project for my boys.
49. Get our home videos transferred to DVD.
50. Organize my children's boxes of art work.
51. Volunteer for something at my kid's school.
52. Get my hair done.

Whew, that was hard. I can't believe I actually came up with all 52. When I started, I had only planned on doing 12-25. But by the time I got to 30, I thought I might as well just keep going.

The overall goal isn't necessarily to have done a certain number of things, but as Karen said, to look back at the end of this year and feel like I've accomplished something.


  1. Congratulations on finishing your list (I'm still stuck in the 30's!) and welcome to the group!

  2. Great list! I'm so glad you are joining in again! Taking an inner tube down the river...great goal! So many people forget to add the fun things.

  3. Love your list! I could only come up with 40 goals, but I might steal your farmer's market goal! Good one!

  4. A pet with fur??? I'm guessing you have some fish or maybe a turtle already? :-)

  5. Good luck! : ) I'd go for the 12 but my life is so fluid, I doubt I could accomplish even that much.

  6. I'd like to say that I should make a list but I know me, and once I have it all written down, I'll be least likely to do them...on a different note: I just started reading Water For Elephants myself...I like it so far but I'm only on chapter 3. :-)

  7. That's a great list, Katherine!

    Is #29 what it sounds like??
