
Thursday, May 26, 2011

"I wasn't going to easy. I was going for you."

Rewind 10 years.

Back before this blog was created, back before I even knew was blogging was. Back before we moved to Iowa. Back before I had started residency, back before I was even sure I was going to do medicine. Back before dental school and medical school, back before college even. Back before our first home, before we owned a single decent piece of furniture between the two of us. Back before our house was filled with toys, back before we even had children.

Rewind 10 years, and I was just 19 years old. And I was about to make the decision that led to everything I listed above. Basically, the decision that lead to nearly everything good in my life.

Rewind 10 years, and Hubster and I were getting married.

Who would have thought that at just 19 years of age, I would have actually made such a good decision?

Who would have known that the man who stood at the end of the aisle was not only going to be my best friend, but give me the courage to make my dreams come true? And when I was too scared to follow my dreams, would hold my hand and walk beside me on the path towards them?

I didn't. Despite the fact I knew I wanted to be married to Hubster, and walked up that aisle towards him unafraid and excited, I naively thought that what I was getting was a husband.

I didn't just realize all the things he would be.

A shoulder to cry on. A cheering section. A safe place. The father to my children. The call to my bluff. The calm to my storm. The one to catch the loose ends. The one to pick up the pieces. The one to build what I imagined.

Rewind 10 years, and I naively thought this whole thing would be easy. Nothing has been easy. Every moment has been difficult, as we've worked hard to create this life for us. Nothing has been easy, but it's been wonderful every moment. I wouldn't change a thing.

In my husband's own words, as I apologized for him having to be the calm, catch the loose ends, and pick up the pieces, as I apologized that things weren't easy, he said the words that I still hear every day.

I wasn't going for easy. I was going for you.


  1. That is so sweet, and one of the best things. I'm glad you found Keith.

  2. I love that. Good job, you two. Love is awesome. :)

  3. That's one of the most romantic things I've ever read. :) Hooray for making great decisions at 19!

  4. Cheers to 10 years of great marriage!

  5. Awww! This made me cry. : )

    At 19, I didn't like 'boys'. Of course, having 5 brothers didn't help. lol!

  6. Beautiful! Happy Anniversary! When it's right, it's right. Doesn't matter how old you are. But, it takes two very special people to accomplish as much as you have after getting married so young. For most people, that would have been a deterrent to great success. Especially medical school and dental school, which are so rigorous and time consuming. You obviously bring out the best in each other. Congrats and here's to the next 10 years.

  7. Happy Anniversary! I love how happy the two of you are after 10 years of marriage and finding each other so young. Yours is the dream most of us aspire to.

  8. What a great guy - and girl. Happy Anniversary.


  9. Knowing you are in good hands is next to heaven. You are miraculous..miraculously beautiful. What you build is beautiful. I am so glad you are well matched and happy. Congratulations! Happy anniversary!
