
Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Project 52: The 2011 Finale, Part 1

I had intended on doing a single post on all my goals. However, Karen's last post made me realize that it would be more manageable to actually divide it up (just like she did.)

I can not believe that the year is ending. All the things that in January I resolved to do, it's already time to take account on how I've done. It has been a whirlwind of a year. And I'm actually grateful for Project 52, because there are so many things that I would never have done had I not made this list. I may not have done everything. But I pushed myself, and enjoyed all 52 weeks!

The List: #1-26

1. Organize my closets: Umm.. I sure thought about this a lot. But I never actually got around to doing it. Although we did actually get closet doors on Hubster's closet, so that was an improvement.

2. Complete 3 home improvement projects. Done: Closet doors, hand rails for the stairs, and painting all the the back door.

3. Get my passport. No. I filled out all the paperwork, but then found out how expensive it was. However, I'm interested in doing an international trip with my work next year, so this one has to happen next year.

4. Plan an awesome 10 year wedding anniversary celebration. If by awesome, you mean Omaha, Nebraska, then YES! Actually, Hubster and I had a fabulous dinner, then a weekend touring the bridges of Madison County and a trip to Omaha. It was quite fabulous.

5. Find 3 unfinished projects and finish them. I may have actually made negative ground on this goal, by starting even more projects and not finishing those. I have a problem.

6. Visit 3 new restaurants. Done by leaps and bounds. Thanks to good friends, I have visited more new restaurants this year than the last 5 year (probably the last 5 years combined, even.)

7. Plan monthly menus. This has been my biggest accomplishment. It has become a huge part of our family. From planning out the schedules, to the new chalkboard menu in the kitchen, where the boys watch me each Sunday write out the menu for the week. It's been amazing. The other amazing part has been people who tell me they have been inspired by this.

8. Meet my girlfriends for brunch one a month. It definitely wasn't once a month. But, with trying to coordinate the schedules of a group of residents, it happened as frequently as it could.

9. Send birthday cards to all my siblings and be on time this year. Yes! I don't think I missed one.

10. Paint at least once. I painted trim, but that wasn't what I meant. So no. My art supplies are still tucked away, gathering dust.

11. Go visit at least one new church. Yes.

12. Visit the Herbet Hoover Historic Site.
No. I kept trying to, but the weather never cooperated.

13. Go camping four times. We went three times, not four. But close enough that I'm saying we are done with this.

14. Find 3 ways to be green.
Done. Not that we are a carbon neutral family, but from riding our bikes to work when the weather permits, to getting mulch from the city yard waste program, to washing our clothes in cold water, to getting more active in recycling, we have made big strides. We also have plans for more things to do that we are excited about.

15. Use my crock pot once a month. At the beginning of the year, I felt I was never going to get this done. Now, with my monthly menu, I use my crock pot nearly once a week. So I'm saying this one is done.

16. Catch up on my book reviews. I have not done this. But I still have plans to get this done before the end of the year.

17. Set up electronic bill paying. We have not done this yet. This is another one I plan on doing before the year is over.

18. Start saving some money, no matter how little. I have set up monthly transfer from my checking account to my "high interest" saving account. It's not much, but it's something.

19. Register Monkey for kindergarten. Not only is he registered, but he's halfway done with kindergarten. This deserves it's own post.

20. Grow herbs. Done. Although I should have said "plant herbs" because not everything I planted grew.

21. Visit Wisconsin. We didn't make it north this year, but we have plans to visit Wisconsin this coming spring.

22. Walk 5 times a week on weeks the temperature is not freezing. I didn't pay that much attention, but we did walk every chance we could.

23. Go to the doctor and get my hand looked at. Done. I even made a follow up appointment and then an appointment for another referral to a different specialist. I also have a diagnosis. Maybe I'll do a post about this at some point.

24. Introduce my children to musicals.
We watched "Seven Brides for Seven Brothers," "Court Jester," and "King and I." There are so many more to watch, but it was definitely an introduction. The only person who didn't like it was Hubster.

25. Have a Harry Potter marathon. I had a Harry Potter book marathon. I would have a Harry Potter movie marathon, but there is no way I would stay awake.

26. Donate blood. I had planned on it, but then being on call during our department blood drive. Maybe next year.

17/26, with 2 more to be done in the next 10 years. I'm quite proud of myself. It's amazing how much you can get done in a year with a list and a plan.


  1. Your list is downright inspiring. There is so much on here that I would love to do. I've been thinking that Project 52 might be too much of a comittment for me, but this has made me rethink that - given the fact that I can just steal half of yours ;-)

    I am particularly impressed by #2, since this is my area of constant failure.

  2. You have put me to shame! Great job!

    I'm so excited to see how much you and everyone else has accomplished and I can't wait to get into a brand new year.

  3. Sounds like you've made a lot of progress. I'm still really impressed with your menu planning. I'm terrible at that.

  4. I hope Sound of Music is on the list or is that too girlie?

    Merry Christmas.


  5. Always an inspiration! Way to go!!!!!!!
    My Project 52 list amounts to only one thing: keep breathing!
