
Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Just Like Any Other Day

When I woke up this morning, I laid in bed for a while, wondering if I felt different. I kept thinking that maybe I should feel different.  But my arms, legs, bad eyes, fuzzy hair, and my continuous thoughts all still felt the same.

Today I'm 30.

This is the big one, right?  The one where now I'm adult. Which I why I thought maybe I should feel different.  I didn't really think that I would, but I thought that I should.

But today is just like any other day. Well, it did include some presents, lots of hugs, a pedicure (my first one ever!), and lunch with a friend. So, maybe not just like any other day.

I kept thinking that I should do something big, something important for this birthday. But like many other things in my life, it crept up on me, without me noticing, until Monkey pointed out that my birthday was going to be the next day.  I thought I had more time to prepare for this, more time to come up with something amazing.

But instead, today will be just like any other day. There are dishes to be done and meals to be made. There is work to go to. But I'm not actually the one doing the dishes and the meals are done (thank you, crock pot) and my work hours are dramatically shorter this week. So, maybe not just like any other day.

When Hubster turned 30, I remember he approached a full-on freak out. Granted, the man thinks that he has been accelerating towards his grave since the day he turned 25, so it hardly counts.  I kept trying to calm him down, telling him 30 wasn't old, it was just the beginning of being an adult. Then, a month ago, when I realized that I would be 30 very soon, I felt that same panic rising up in me. Was I ready to leave behind my 20s?  I hadn't done nearly any of the things I had wanted to do in that decade of my life?  Was I really ready to be the adult that being 30-something entails?

However, this morning, there was no freaking out. There was just lying in bed, trying to figure out of being 30 felt different that being 29.  So far, being 30 today feels just like any other day.  Although, so far, 30 comes with pretty purple nails and Hunger Games movie tickets and key lime pie.

Okay, so maybe not just like any other day.


  1. When I was a kid and people asked me what I wanted to be when I grew up, I'd say teacher but in my head I'd say- 30. There was something about it that felt like that was when people would finally recognize you as a grown person. But there was no "magic" to that birthday- even though I enjoyed it immensely. And it was a very grown up birthday- I almost missed my big birthday dinner with 20 friends at the Melting Pot because I was stuck at work.

  2. Your experience sounds a lot like mine—I thought turning 30 would be more momentous somehow, but I was unfazed. Turning 35 was a bigger deal for me personally . . . that's when I started realizing I was getting older at a faster rate somehow! My skin and hair started changing, etc.

  3. Oh, HAPPY BIRTHDAY!! Forgot to mention that : )

  4. Happy Birthday!

    I was happy to finally turn 30. It felt like I was 29 for so long that I was relieved to get it over with. I'm now halfway through my 30s and am pretty sure my big freak out is going to happen when I turn 40.

    Do we get to see a pic of your pretty pedi?

  5. Happy Birthday!

    I was happy to finally turn 30. It felt like I was 29 for so long that I was relieved to get it over with. I'm now halfway through my 30s and am pretty sure my big freak out is going to happen when I turn 40.

    Do we get to see a pic of your pretty pedi?

  6. Happy Birthday!

    I was happy to finally turn 30. It felt like I was 29 for so long that I was relieved to get it over with. I'm now halfway through my 30s and am pretty sure my big freak out is going to happen when I turn 40.

    Do we get to see a pic of your pretty pedi?

  7. Happy birthday my friend. I was well composed on my 30th. My husband freaked out on his. I'm glad you are having a good day.

  8. Happy Birthday!

    My four year old told me on her birthday that she "didn't feel any different, mom, just the number changed." Isn't that the truth?

    I seem to recall, though, you loving your 27th birthday, because that was a momentous "old enough" one--maybe that was your magical number. After that, you're old enough for anything, so the numbers don't matter so much. :) As for me, I'm ready to be 30. I have too many kids to still be in my 20's. :)
