
Monday, September 10, 2012

Project 52...It's Been A While Edition

Initially, Project 52 was supposed to be a weekly thing.  Each week, those who participated would update their progress on their yearly goals.  Right from the get-go, I knew that once a week wasn't going to be feasible for me. I can't remember which day of the week is library day or garbage day. There is no way I would be able to consistently do a weekly post.  So I thought I would do monthly posts.  That seemed infrequent enough I wouldn't be overwhelmed, but often enough I wouldn't completely forget and end up adding Project 52 to my list of unfinished endeavors. 

Well, you know what they say about good intentions.

My Project 52 updates have become more like seasonal updates.  But that doesn't mean I'm not getting things done. 

For example...

1. Find one drawer/closet/cupboard to clean out each month:  I just cleaned out the junk drawer in the kitchen.  I have cleaned and organized the master bath cupboard and the main food cupboard in the kitchen. I also completely emptied the closet in the previously-guest-room/office-now-nursery.  Tomorrow, I'm going to get a start on my closet (and maybe Hubster's closet.).  I know I should technically be at nine cupboards/drawers organized, but I think I'm doing pretty well.

10. Visit three new places. This year, I have gone to Wisconsin and Minnesota.  I've also gone to a couple towns/places/restaurants/stores nearby that I had never been to.  So I think I'm done with this one.

11. Get serious about finding a job, meaning I actually have to submit my CV or talk to an actual person. I have some news about this I"ll share later...

17. Send a handwritten letter to 5 friends. I bought some cute stationery and have sent 2 letters so far.

25. Go to a drive in movie theater.  We did this.  It was awesome.

33. Visit two museums. We visited the Mississippi River Museum and a model train museum.  The boys are still upset that we have not go to the art museum in Chicago.

44. Have family visit. My sister stayed with us for a month this summer.  Hubster's mother and sister visited for a week last month.  For living over 2000 miles away from any family, I think we did pretty good.

45. Invite friends over for dinner.  We did this twice this summer.  I want to do more.  But I'm tired of having to pretend that my house is normally clean.

46. Let go of the clothes that don't fit.  Well, nothing fits right now. But I am getting rid of things that I do think I'll wear again.

49. Sew something.  I am sewing a baby quilt.  I may never finish...

Slowly, slowly, I'm chipping away at this list.  Maybe, by the time it snows, I'll have finished everything.  Although, by the time it snows, I'm also hoping to have had a baby.  So maybe not...


  1. You're doing great! I think my favorite thing about Project 52 is seeing what once seemed so important gets moved down the list and the ones we added and thought little of, happen. So much can change in a year.

  2. It's a good project and you are making progress. That always counts!
