
Thursday, December 27, 2012

Christmas Snapshot

It's taken me a while to post about Christmas.  Between my ongoing struggle to juggle my growing family and some very frustrating issues with my external hard drive (where all my thousands of pictures are stored), blogging hasn't been exactly feasible.  Because I can't blog with one hand or without pictures.

Christmas was lovely.  This is the first Christmas of residency that I didn't work either the day before or the day after or the day of.  Having the holidays truly off and away from the hospital is a glorious thing, a thing a person could get used to.

The boys woke up at 3 am - I was up feeding Duck, so I could hear their little feet running up and down the stairs, checking the clock to see if it was finally 5 am, the appointed time at which they could open their stockings.

Normally, I have dozens of pictures of all the details of Christmas.  But not this year.  This year, I held my baby and just enjoyed the absolute magic of Christmas morning. 

There are a few pictures.

Christmas Eve and the boys in their Christmas pajamas (isn't Bug getting so handsome!).

A blurry Christmas morning that captures how excited Monkey was.

The Christmas aftermath that was left alone until the next day. 

Other highlights of the day:

Hubster and I buying each other the same gift.  Again.

Monkey hugging me in delight with each gift.

Getting thoroughly beat by my boys at Mario Cart.

A fabulous fancy dinner, complete with place mats, fabric napkins, and my nice stemware, eaten in our pajamas.

Flowers from my sister.

 Really, I got every thing I wanted for Christmas: snow, a good book, hugs from my children, a baby in my arms, and magic all around.


  1. What a beautiful family you have! You all deserved what looks like a very Merry Christmas :-)

  2. It's true what 'they' say: Christmas is for children. Looks like you all had a wonderful time!

  3. Glad you had a wonderful Christmas AT HOME! It sounds perfect.
