
Thursday, December 6, 2012

There is Nothing Like a Newborn

There really is nothing like a newborn.  I find myself saying this multiple times a day, to anyone who will listen.  Which is usually Duck.

Okay, there are the 2 am (and midnight and 5 am) feedings.  There is the ridiculous amount of laundry.  There is the absurd amount of stuff I find myself carrying from room to room: a blanket, a burp cloth, a tub of wet wipes, a changing pad, diapers, the nursing pillow, and the baby.  Seriously, how can something so small need so much stuff?

But that is not what I mean.

There is nothing like a newborn.  The wrinkled skin covered in soft, fine hair.

The tiny, uncalloused little feet.

The soft fragile head, the silky baby hair.

The amazing smell of their head (yes, I love newborn smell.)

Their sweet bleating cry.

All the tiny, perfect features.

The simplicity of their needs: to be held, to be fed, and to be loved.

Yes, I'm tired and my days feel completely unproductive.  I tend to choose just holding Duck and staring at him, marveling over his dark eyes and impossibly small fingers and toes instead of doing laundry, dishes, or my licensing paper work. It always feels like the right choice.

This time will pass much too quickly.  Already, he is starting to fill out, and loose the gentle wrinkleness of being a newborn.  His expressions and noises are already changing.

So I will take every opportunity to enjoy the uniqueness that is this fleeting age, the beautiful, temporary moment that is a newborn.


  1. My gosh I miss that. I am not supposed to be on blogs right now, but I HAD to come over and marvel. Beautiful. So happy for you (all of you).

  2. Congratulations! He's beautiful and your photos are beautiful. My birthday often falls on Thanksgiving, and I love it -- the best time to have a birthday.

  3. Not having any babies of my own, I'll enjoy yours. I hope you don't mind. : )

  4. He is absolutely beautiful and perfect. And I love your gorgeous pictures!

  5. He's adorable. I'm excited to,have a newborn in my house again.

  6. While I have no urge to have another baby... this post makes me want to go snuggle someone else's newborn...

    And it is fleeting, so very fleeting. Glad you are pausing to enjoy!

  7. Visiting from 52 weeks of happiness. Your baby is just so precious...treasure the moment...goes by so fast.
    Laurie @ Pride in Photos
