
Sunday, March 31, 2013

Happy Holiday That I Almost Skipped

Friday, I was pretty sure that Easter wasn't going to happen. Oh, I knew that Sunday would come and go, but I was feeling that maybe that was all this holiday was going to be.

I've been pretty overwhelmed lately, each day wondering if I can keep above water.

I love making holidays special for my family. I want my kids to look back and think about the great times they had, about the traditions we made, and hopefully, pass them on to their families in the future. But this year, I just wasn't sure.

Saturday came, and you wouldn't have been able to tell that there was any holiday approaching. But by that afternoon, I decided to just muscle through and pull this holiday together.

So today, this wonderful day of celebrating miracles, today in my house, was just short of a miracle itself.

We stayed up late coloring eggs with the boys (using Kool-Aid, which makes such awesome eggs, I'm not sure I'm going to let them drink it ever again.). So this morning, we had our traditional Easter tree, with branches that I ventured out to grab in the dark and the rain.

Hubster and I worked furiously this morning to pull together a beautiful little breakfast.

All five of us made it to church, clean and relatively happy. We listened to an amazing talk that made me tear up.

I made darling cupcakes (I'm still wondering why on earth I wasted time making these, but I found them on this website, and thought they would be ridiculously cute- and they are.)

I had been growing some grass to put in the boys' baskets, and it had been showing very little signs of life, but this morning, it was thick and green and gorgeous.

The sun made enough of a showing to have an Easter egg hunt in the backyard (even though the boys put their winter coats due to a frigid wind immediately after this picture was taken).

We did decide to forgo the traditional family croquet game due to the cold weather and soggy lawn, but were able to spend enough time outdoors that it felt like maybe spring was coming.

We are getting ready to sit down to a lovely dinner that everyone in the house agrees they like and will eat.

In the big scheme of things, me pulling off a lovely and memorable Easter Sunday with my family is a little thing. It may be little, but it was beautiful, peaceful, and miraculous for our family. And given the alternative, given that I had planned on skipping this holiday all together, I'll take that little thing.


  1. You always seem to pull off the perfect holiday. : ) We had Easter lunch with ham sandwiches. We usually do the fancy dinner thing but everyone had places to go and people to see, so we made it casual this year...and it was great! Happy Easter!

  2. I was glad to read this and know I was not the only one. My family is actually Greek Orthodox so our big Easter is in May. But this holiday in my house growing up was all about the Easter bunny .... and this year I was not sure he was going to visit our house. But somehow he did (as he always does). Happy Easter to you and yours!

  3. So glad you celebrated! Your grass is lovely. Looks like Kool-Aid is the way to go from now on! I love your pictures, especially of the boys. HAPPY EASTER!!

  4. I love that real Easter grass. What an awesome idea!

    It looks like such a beautiful holiday. I'm glad you decided to go for it, even though you weren't feeling in the spirit.
