
Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Review of 2014: Part 3

2014 Review Extravaganza
We celebrated the Fourth with Popsicles, sparklers, and glow sticks.
We left on what I started calling our epic family road trip, traveling to the Great Smokey Mountains, Disney World, the Gulf Coast, Atlanta, Nashville, and other locations.
We took awesome family pictures like this...
I fell in love with road tripping and have spent all the time since trying to convince Hubster that we should buy an Airstream.
We spent a weekend in Chicago.
We sent the two oldest boys on their first solo trip to visit their grandparents. We all survived.
We tried to make the most of each hot day. We ate our weight in Popsicles.
Monkey turned 8.
Bug started middle school. Monkey started 3rd grade.


We all survived.

I started seriously looking for my next job. Hubster and I flew to the West Coast to interview. I didn't get the job and for very complicated reasons, I was ok with it.
We redid our deck.
We went apple picking.
Overall, we did our best to take it slower. And enjoy every moment that we could. After how stressful the first part of the year was, it was just what we needed.


  1. That mountain picture is amazing! Such a pretty place. What a fun road trip you took! Growing up we would always drive cross country to visit family, so many great memories. I think I would freak out about sending my kids on a plane alone too, but would do if it the opportunity arose. So you parents live in Utah, are you Mormon? I just ask because I am :) Great recap!

    1. Road trips are the best. We did that frequently when I was growing up and I'm glad to get to recreate those memories for my kids. We aren't Mormom, but we love Utah. I spent high school and college there and loved it.

  2. Okay I want to go to Disney and the beach... can we all just drop everything right now and go?!?! :). I love Chicago too but I'll bet it's colder there than it is here right now so let's avoid that place right now... lol :). Looks like you had a great summer!

    1. I agree! Let's just go. (Especially since it's now freezing here!.)

  3. I remember so many of these things. I'm glad it was a good summer.
