
Friday, July 2, 2010


I think of myself as a mother before anything else.

But motherhood does not define me.

Like all women, I'm much more than "just" a mom. I'm an amateur photographer, a reader, a DIY enthusiast, a painter, a doctor. I'm a feminist, a conservationist, an optimist, an idealist, a romantic. Each of these things is a valuable part of myself. Through the demands of parenting, it can be hard to remember all those parts and to be consumed by the role of mother. Meals, housekeeping, errands, activities, school, homework, bedtimes. The tasks of caring for our children can demand every second of our lives. We hear so much about seeking for balance, but achieving this is something else entirely. I often, as all mothers do, put all the parts of me that don't immediately pertain to my children, on hold or on the back burner, to get to "when there is time." (As if there is ever time.)

But those things are important to me. Granted, not as important as my darling boys. But being a artist, a scholar, an improver, a physician are integral parts of my being.

I am not defined by my role as mother.

What motherhood did was redefine me.

Yes, I was all those book loving, photo taking, project doing things before. But without purpose. What motherhood did for me was give all the parts of me focus and meaning.

I have my world spin, coming to revolve around the newborn baby in my arms. I have had my heart filled and broken as never before. I have gladly sacrificed and fiercely defended. I have been tried and rewarded more that I could have fathomed. I have had my faults made obvious and my talents challenged. I have seen the future- my future, their future, the world's future- in their faces. I have loved without expecting anything and been given everything.

Motherhood is the most amazing thing I have done. My children are precious, sacred to me.

I am not just a mother.

I am more because I am a mother.

Go visit Heather at Theta Mom to see why other women are Theta Moms.


  1. This is a terrific post!!! Love it - I know so many women who have given up absolutely everything for/during motherhood... and they are very unhappy. No hobbies, don't enjoy anything... I love love LOVE this. Glad you have so much positivity in your life!

  2. AWESOME post Katherine!!! Just like my tagline states, "Redefining the Role of Motherhood" because that's what this process is all about!!

    "What motherhood did was redefine me...I am not just a mother. I am more because I am a mother." <-----Exactly!!! I've always said that motherhood is a wonderful extension of who I already am, and in this exprience it has has to shape me - and "I am more because I am a mother, too."

    Girl, this post rocked. You are such a Theta Mom!!!

  3. Beautifully written. I agree. Motherhood is an amazing journey and one I am so glad I was finally able to join.


  4. Good. I loved your last two lines.

  5. Some days, like today for me, will let you in on a life secret: because I had such a mother, because I had the chance to become one, because you are now one--everyone, everything touched by you is more because you are a mother. You get it. Thanks sunshine!!!

  6. The line "I am more because I am a mother" ... perfection!!! Simply beautiful post:)
