
Monday, July 5, 2010

Snapshots from the Weekend

I couldn't bring myself to post a well-versed, thoughtful holiday post, as I was too busy either recovering from last week or actually celebrating.

But the weekend was wonderful. We had wonderful discussions with the boys about the founding of our country, what it means (or should mean) to be an American, and the meaning of liberty.

And while we were not involved in deep, meaningful conversations with three-year-olds, we were soaking in American past times.



Waiting for the parade. Which is synonymous with free candy.

Pride is having the only barefoot child at the parade.


Home-made ice cream.


Waiting is the hardest part.

Home improvement. Because nothing says freedom like realizing there is no landlord coming to your rescue when the ceiling leaks.

Hope your 4th was wonderful as ours.


  1. What cute pictures of your boys. Glad you had a wonderful weekend. More exciting than mine.

  2. Happy, Happy 4th!! Seeing the great hot air balloons rise into the sunrise made me especially homesick for the times we did this together. We shared soft-serve ice cream, stood for the flag and the veterans and soldiers, and cheered for the pioneers at the parade and read the story of the signing of the Declaration of Independence..and we missed doing it with you. Wonderously we are under one beautiful, priceless red-white and blue banner of freedom!

  3. Hi Katherine! Lovely photos - so glad i found your blog thru SITS a couple weeks ago, it's wonderful! I've nominated you for a blog award - check my post for 7/6!

  4. Any weekend involving baseball is a winner to me!

    So glad you had a great 4th of July. It looks amazing!

  5. I could go for some sour jube jubes. I am glad to hear your holiday was fantastic.


  6. Good job on creating memories MOmmy!
