
Sunday, January 2, 2011

Iowa in Winter

There is nothing like a Midwestern winter.

I've spent winters in Utah, Nevada, Oregon, the Sierra Nevadas, Montana, and even Southern California. And still, there is nothing like a Midwestern winter.

It's the reason I planned never to live in the Midwest. Life is funny like that.

There are subzero temperatures for weeks at a time, endless gray sunless days, ice storms, and frigid winds.

But, just like the rest of the Midwest, it grows on a person. At at least, stops inhibiting us from going outside. And when we get brave enough to venture out into the cold, this is what we find...

Frozen lakes...perfect for sliding on and ice fishing (we did not participate in the ice fishing.)

Snow covered hills...perfect for sledding.

Ice covered trees and rivers...perfect for eagle watching.

Snow covered children...

And, in my opinion, that's the best view of all.


  1. I am such a baby about venturing out in the cold! I heard someone say this weekend that their is really not bad weather conditions for being outside in it is usually unprepared people with the wrong equipment. Maybe if I owned a pair of boots.....then I could handle the snow better. I loved the pic of the ice under that tree branch Beautiful!!
    Hope you all are having a Fabulous new year. Oh I Loved your C-mas card SO cute I can't believe how big your boys are getting. I remember going to see Bug at the hospital.
    Stay Warm!!

  2. This post *almost* makes me want to try a midwestern winter. And then I remember living in Quebec and come to my senses.


    I love your pictures, seriously! Beautiful. I really do see why you love it. And it really isn't so bad. I just don't ever want to shovel another driveway as long as I live.

  3. I was in Colorado one Christmas, 17 degrees. Umm, no thank you. lol! It was 47 degrees and raining here in L.A. today. That's about as 'wintery' as I want to get. ; )

    'Snow covered children...hahaha! Cute!!!

  4. L has only gotten to play in the snow once this year because of all of the illnesses. But wow, did it make him happy. I love me some snow.

  5. So pretty! If it could only feel as pretty as it looks. :-)

  6. Agreed. And that ice looks perfect for skating.


  7. Happiness is seeing what is good in what you have. that makes you ultimately happy and contented. Its not only beautiful to share it inspires! Remember the snow camps in the Sierras? We know how to have FUN!

  8. SO beautiful. When it snows here, it seems to shut the city down, but I LOVE looking at it!

  9. Iowa is a state?! LMAO I thought it was just Rhode Island that was unknown to many. I got tired of being asked if RI was an island off NY so I just say New England now when asked. Isn't that sad?

    Love the photos. Doesn't look too gray but it does look cold.
