
Friday, December 31, 2010

Successes and Failures

With it being the very last day of 2010 and all, I thought that this would be a good time to review my goals for 2010 and see how I did.

(It's also the last Friday of the year, and the last Face It Friday. Karen and Jennee will be starting Project 52 on Monday, and I'm very excited!)

I'll admit it. There were things on my list that I could have done. I just didn't. I would think about them, and just not feel like doing them. In other words, I was lazy. But let's not focus on that.

So just how did I do in 2010? There was the initial goal making, and then my progress reports in February, April, and September. That's once each season-ish. And overall...

My 2010 To-Do List: The October/November/December Issue

-Lose 5 pounds by May 1st, then another 5 pounds by September 1st.

*Hysterical laughter* Okay, are we done?

Failure. A pretty miserable one at that. I don't think that I've lost a single pound. My scale is still hidden away in the back of my closet. I eye it suspiciously every time I catch a glimpse of it. I don't think I want to hear anything it has to tell me.

-Be able to touch my toes.
Success. But I have to keep at it more than I thought. If I go a couple weeks without stretching, I loose it.

-Get my passport.
Failure. This is one I thought a lot about, and just didn't go.

-Date night with Hubster once a month. 5/12
January: No. February: Yes. March:Yes. April: No. May: Yes. June: Yes. July: No. August: No. September: No. October: No. November: Yes. December: No.
We are terrible at this. I think I need to change my expectations about date night. Or just stop being so lazy and realize it's okay to leave the house on my days off.

-Pass the boards the first time.

-Use my crock pot (at least) once a month. 9/12
January: Barbecue chicken.
February: A whole chicken with red potatoes and carrots.
March: Blackberry-balsamic marinaded chicken.
April: Some weird taco-cheese-chili thing. I don't remember. I thought it was good.
May: Artichoke dip.
June: Pulled barbecued beef.
July: Barbecue chicken.
August: Nothing.
September: Chicken
October: Barbequed beef
November: Nada
December: Nope.

Success. At least I'm counting this as a success. I think that doing this the majority of the year is pretty good. I'm going to try to continue this, because it really does make easy meals.

-Finish moving in.
Success. When my mom visited me in September, we organized the basement, cleaned and painted the entire garage, and emptied nearly every box. It's been wonderful.

-Finish moving into this blog.
Failure. I've made some adjustments here and there, but my vision of a big blog make over just never happened. Although I must say that my blog transition I made one year ago was a great decision.

So grand total is: 4 successes and 4 failures. 50-50.

So I "failed" half my goals. But I still feel that 2010 was a successful year. And I've already got 4 goals ready to go for 2011!

Face it Friday Button

Thanks, Karen and Jennee for all the motivation!


  1. I'd love your crock pot recipe for nada! :)

    Happy New Year!

  2. I'd say you had a very successful year!

    Liz's comment made me giggle. I would love to see that blackberry-basalmic chicken recipe, though. ;-)

    Thanks so much for participating. I'm really excited for Project 52, too!

  3. Delurking to say that you completed half of your goals. With all that you do (and you are amazing to me) I hated the thought of you concentrating on the two failures.

  4. Success will always outweigh failures. You are without a doubt a wonderful competent and complete person with a heart to encompass all that is good. Such good beginnings guarantee success!

  5. I think it's amazing that you completed so many of goals considering how busy your life is. Good for you! I'm anxious to see what you come up with for Project 52!
