
Sunday, October 30, 2011

Carving Pumpkins

Pumpkin carving is a big deal in our family. A VERY big deal.

It always starts out as all of us around the table, carving together.

This year, it also involved the boys being grossed out by pumpkin innards, squealing and running away from their pumpkins as I scooped out the stringy flesh and seeds.

That's how it starts. How it ends is all the pumpkins being finished, except for Hubster's. First, because he's helping all of us, and secondly, because his designs are usually so complicated that they take a long time. The the evening ends with me falling asleep on the couch and him waking me up some while later to take pictures of all the pumpkins.

That being said, I think the pumpkins turned out quite well this year. But then again, I say that every year.

Monkey, going along with his most recent obsession, choose an Angry Birds pumpkin.

Bug decided he didn't want any help with his pumpkin. He choose his design without help, transferred it onto the pumpkin without help, and then carved it out, without help. Although I hovered nervously over him the entire time.

I tried to break with my tradition of carving a feminine pumpkin (although I still love my Maleficent pumpkin from last year) by carving a scene from Nightmare Before Christmas.

And Hubster got to carve something that makes him giggle every time...Dr. Evil.

You can also check out our pumpkins from the last few Halloweens:
Pumpkins 2010
Pumpkins 2009
Pumpkins 2008
Other Pumpkins


  1. I cannot believe your husband's carving skills. I mean, I thought yours was seriously excellent, but his is just awesome. I have no patience for such arts. :)

  2. Wow, those are incredible! The one your son did all by himself is really great.

  3. Those are awesome! You guys always have great pumpkins!
