
Friday, June 18, 2010

By means of an introduction

Wow! That's about all I have to say.

Last night, I checked a few e-mails, read a few blogs, you know...the usually way I waste, um, spend time on the Internet.

Today, I woke up with 12 new followers and a chock-full email inbox.

I was confused? What on earth had happened. And that's when I realized I had been featured, along with three other amazing bloggers on SITs Friday Potluck!

SITs (Or The Secret is in the Sauce), as I'm sure most of you know, created by Tiffany and Heather, is a site dedicated to supporting women bloggers. I've met so many people and found amazing blogs through that community.

And today, I personally got to be the recipient of that support. Today, I was able to find out what the recognition and support of SITs can do. And how it can make you feel.

As in, squealing and going happy dances in your pajamas and telling the kids that breakfast will be awhile.

So, although I know you stopped by to check out the awesomeness that is The Hunger Games, my love of the book, and why you should be running out right now to read it, if you are knew to The Katherine Wheel, I thought I'd do a little introduction.

I'm Katherine, of The Katherine Wheel, the crazy, busy, (usually) happy cycle of my life. I'm a twenty-something mother of two of the most beautiful boys in creation (and, no, I'm not biased.)

But my story is just a bit deeper and more complicated than that (aren't ours all that way?)...

I'm married to Hubster, who is my best friend and has supported me through an intense and on-going journey. In fact, we just celebrated our nine year wedding anniversary!

I'm a anesthesiology resident, just finishing up my first year of training. I graduated medical school at the end of 2008. Just making it through medical school, while being a mom and Hubster working full time and going to school part time was an adventure all it's own. But in 2009, I "matched" into an anesthesia program in Iowa. So, almost exactly one year ago, I packed up my family, and left nearly everything I knew behind in Utah, and drove 1200 miles across the country to start yet another adventure. Hubster left behind a great job to become, for the time being, a stay-at-home-day.

I'm not going to lie...there have been some dark moments. Being an intern can be brutal. Being away from family has been tough. But we're creating a new life for ourselves, and loving almost every moment of it.

If our lives weren't complicated enough, Hubster just submitted his application for dental school. So, if things go well, and he's accepted (which I have almost no doubt) we start the process of final exams, unpredictable clinical schedules, and student debt all over again. But I'm so proud, so excited, and so glad to support him that I wouldn't change a thing.

And there are the boys! Bug, 7-nearly-8 years old, is quiet, smart, and just a little bit sassy. Monkey, 3 years old, is default happy, energetic, and stubborn as anything. I am fiercely protective and wildly in love with those boys!

And as for me...well, I love being a mom more than anything. I love a good book and waking up with sunlight coming through my window. I love home renovation and nature walks. I am passionate about my family, healthy marriages, and health care. I eat more carbs than I should and exercise less than I should. I have issues with guilt and my age. I indulge in reality television and young adult fiction. I collect quotes and old school papers.

And I'm excited you're here!


  1. Great Blog! I'm Glad you were featured today! :)

  2. I was so excited to see your blog pop up when I clicked on the last potluck link. Congrats on being chosen, Katherine!

  3. I'm always excited when someone I read anyway is featured on SITS. Congratulations!

  4. Stopping by from SITS! Congrats on Potluck Friday!

  5. Yeah! It's always exciting when a blog I read gets the recognition it deserves!

  6. Congrats! I love getting new followers!!!

  7. So impressed at everything you do and be a mom! Looking forward to reading more of your blog.

    Stopping by from SITS!
