
Friday, September 10, 2010

About Time

Since we're already 3/4 the way through this year (ack!), it's probably about time I went and revisited my goals for the year. I'm ashamed to say it, it's been several months since I've looked them over.

I'm worried that I've been about as diligent in meeting those goals as I have been about posting about them. Meaning, not so much.

But here we go...finally. If you're at all curious how I had been doing, check out March/April, and February. Before the bandwagon's fuel pump went out and the thing overheated and ended up a graffitied pile of junk on the freeway. Anywhoo..

My 2010 To-Do List: The May/June/July/August/September Version

-Lose 5 pounds by May 1st, then another 5 pounds by September 1st.

Well. Obviously both dates in this goal have passed. The weight, not so much. At least, I doubt it. I'm not 100% sure, because I actually haven't stood on a scale since, um, spring. But the way my clothes fit, I'm pretty sure some of those pounds are still with me.

Fine. If I'm going to be completely honest, I actually haven't even exercised regularly since mid-June. My family came, my anesthesia training started, I had a meltdown. I know. Excuses, excuses, excuses. I do want to get back on track with this. I want to lose the weight. More importantly, I want to be healthier.

-Be able to touch my toes.
Totally can do this one. Not as easily as I would like. But completely legit. Knees straight and everything. Touch and hold. Check!

-Get my passport.
Nope. Pathetic.

-Date night with Hubster once a month. 3/12
January: Nope. February: Yes! March:yes. April: No. May: Yes. June: Yes-ish. July: No. August: Not really. September: Well, the month's not over.
The last real date we had was for our anniversary. In May. It was an absolutely amazing night out. Beyond fabulous. We've acquired a baby-sitter twice since then. Once in June for a company work party (That's kind of like a date. I dressed up and did my hair.) Once in August for a friend's birthday party. And since neither of us had to leave to take anyone potty, it felt sorta like a date.

Oh, fine. Call my bluff. We suck at this. Although since we've spent several nights on weekends talking until 1-2 am just about things, we're still bonding. But I agree. It doesn't really count.

-Pass the boards the first time.

-Use my crock pot (at least) once a month. 7/12
January: Barbecue chicken.
February: A whole chicken with red potatoes and carrots.
March: Blackberry-balsamic marinaded chicken.
April: Some weird taco-cheese-chili thing. I don't remember. I thought it was good.
May: Artichoke dip.
June: Pulled barbecued beef.
July: Barbecue chicken.
August: Nada.
September: Still time to dust the thing off again.

-Finish moving in.
I emptied several boxes back in June. I finally found the meat thermometer. There is still more to do. Although I'm not even sure what's in those boxes. Maybe I should just toss them before I think that I need them.

-Finish moving into this blog.
I had all these huge plans about a beautiful blog make-over. I still plan on it. But right now, it's just not feasible. You should just be happy that I'm posting at all. Although I'm thinking that a blog make-over would be a great birthday present to myself. It will also mean that I survived another Midwestern winter. Maybe that's enough.

Karen and Jennee have been amazing. They've been posting nearly every single week this year about their goals. While I'm apparently going for seasonal updates. Stop by and see how great they've done. And please share goals you made that you've worked on this year.


  1. Sounds like you're doing pretty great Katherine with everything on your plate these days.

    Congratulations on passing the boards! That's huge

    We are trying to committ to date night too.

    And crock pot them. We're going to do one this weekend:)

  2. Don't be too hard on yourself. You're doing really well! I can't touch my toes unless I bend my knees.

    It totally cracked me up that you were proud to have found your meat thermometer. It's a pretty necessary gadget, but I feel accomplished when I can find a pen that writes...

  3. The "date night" goal is a tricky one. We've tried over the years, and eventually gave up. Usually we're too tired and spend too much money on our "date," that we don't even enjoy the night out.
