For a while, I thought that I would go through everything on my Project 52 list and give a full report of how things are going.
But then I remembered that I'm pretty tired (since I'm working night shifts right now), and the list is pretty long. So I've saving that for a grand finale in December (that's me making a commitment to posting in December, between holiday preparations and taking cardiac call. I'll just go ahead and make that Goal 53.)
Today, I'm focusing on successes, since last time I focused on
goals I was struggling with.
These are the things that I have been able to cross off completely...
2. Complete 3 home improvement projects. We put in hand rails for the stairs (we only delayed that safety standard for, oh, two years.). We also installed new closet doors in the master bathroom, and repainted (most of) the storage shed. There are still several things that need to be done, but I'm calling this one crossed off!
4. Plan an awesome 10 year wedding anniversary celebration. When I said awesome, I totally meant Omaha, Nebraska (which I never blogged about). We did also do a day touring
covered bridges in Madison County, and ate out at my favorite restaurant. And since that was our only 10 year anniversary, I have to call this done done.
6. Visit 3 new restaurants. Done!
7. Plan monthly menus. I can not even tell you how hard this was. It took me hours to make the menu for one month. I was exhausted by the end, and all I could think about was how I would have to do it again the next month. Now that the menu is done, it's been nice. No more staring at Hubster over the refrigerator door, wondering what on earth to feed the kids.
11. Go visit at least one new church. We've done this. I'm still looking for a church that feels, well, I'll know it when I feel it. I've been reading up about several churches I'm interested in checking out.
19. Register Monkey for kindergarten. Not only is he registered,
he's actually attending kindergarten. Insert many sniffles here.
20. Grow herbs. There were many different herbs planted, but only the basil made it. I'm suspicious that the birds may have eaten all my oregano and cilantro seeds. And I know that a chipmunk made a large hole where a rosemary plant should have been.
23. Go to the doctor and get my hand looked at. The initial evaluation has been done. I still have several more appointments to figure out exactly what is going on, but the hand has been looked at, so I'm crossing this one off, too.
24. Introduce my children to musicals. The children have been introduced. How successful the introduction was is yet to be determined. I'm planning for a Sound of Music night. I'm bribing them all with kettle corn.
25. Have a Harry Potter marathon. I had originally intended this to be a movie marathon, but there is absolutely no way I can stay awake during movies anymore, let alone a marathon of movies. However, I did reread the entire Harry Potter series in a very short time period. That will be my marathon.
27. Read 5 non-work related books. I have more than done this.
31. Try to go visit family in Utah. We didn't just try.
We went!32. Visit the farmer's market 5 times during the summer. I've become quite the groupie of the farmer's market. I'm starting running into people I know. I buy tomatoes from the same person each week. I've been more than five times, and there is still so much growing season left!
33. Inner tube down a river. Done!34. Go skiing. Done again!37. Go antique shopping. I'm not exactly sure it counts as antique shopping if I didn't actually buy anything. However, I did spend two afternoons with my mother-in-law wandering through antique stores, and she bought me something. So I think this one is off the list.
43. Get a rough draft of my research project. I think I may finally be to this point. This is a particularly painful one. Give me making monthly menus any day over doing this thing.
47. Calculate my monthly grocery budget. This is done. This one was surprisingly non-painful.
48. Start my blogging project for my boys. It's been started (
here and
here). There is no foreseeable end, thank goodness.
51. Volunteer for something at my kid's school. Done!
52. Get my hair done. I finally did this. I'm not exactly sure why I put off getting my hair cut for two years, but it really showed.
The grand total is 21/52 things that are completely crossed off my list. 21 things that I don't have to worry or think about again.
Sometimes, I think the best part of making lists is just to cross things off of them.